Book bloggler hop (4) & Follow Friday (3)

Follow Friday! :)
This week's question is:

What is/was your favorite subject in school?
-Thank goodness this week's question is easy (well at least for me). Personally, when I was in highschool I LOVED art classes, especially Ceramics. I took 3 years worth of Ceramins :) I don't really know why, I guess I enjoy having a good time and at the same time getting a bit messy!

Book Blog Hop! :)

This week's question is: 

"What book are you most looking forward to seeing published in 2011? Why are you anticipating that book?" 
-Demonglass! I am dying to read this book! Hex Hall was amazing! I am in love with Rachel Hawkin's writing.... She just might be my new fav author ;)


  1. I wish my school would have had something cool like ceramics! I went to private school and they weren't that into art...Boo! :/

    I'm a new follower... I love your rating system! The little heart is too cute!

  2. HI hope you have a wonderful weekend! Ceramics sounded like so much fun we never got into that either when I was in school.

    My FF and Blog hops

  3. I only took Ceramics my senior year of high school, but it was sooo much fun! I was never quite good at it, LOL, but it was a nice change of pace from my other classes.

  4. Hi Diana, I'm a new follower from the blog hop. Great blog! I can't wait to see more of it :)

    I loved high school art classes too! I studied in an international school until freshman year in high school, and I swear, that place had amazing professors and the most brilliant classes. Art classes there, I think, are on a league of their own. So enriching, and students really got to develop their skills. I never took ceramics, though- it sounds like a lot of fun!

    Have a great weekend!

    Erika Breathes Books

  5. Hi,

    stopping by for the follow Friday!
    And to let you know I am a new follower!

    Happy friday!


  6. I can watch Glee for hours on end too!
    New follower! Happy Friday!

  7. Ceramics sounds cool - I never took an art class! I'm crafty now, but still not what I would call artistic. Ah well!

  8. I still have yet to read Hex Hall, my copy hasn't arrived yet! Although I've been told it's brilliant.

    Happy Friday!

  9. I've never tried ceramics... but it sounds awesome.
    My answer: in school I liked JROTC and English!
    I’m hopping by from Follow Friday I’m following you and would love if you follow me too! Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  10. Hi there! Interesting pick for your anticipated 2011 release! I wish I could have taken an Art class in High School. Art is definitely a wonderful subject <3

    I'm stopping by from the blog hop!

    I'm a new follower!

    Happy Reading!

    - Mevurah

  11. Hi there! I'm a new follower! Check out my blog when you get the chance? :)

  12. Hey! Great blog you have here. I'm your newest follower. I love Glee to pieces and I love futbol too! I wouldn't mind having some alone time with Cristiano Ronaldo lol(Go Portugal!) If you have time feel free to stop by my blog!My Hop

    Have a great weekend!

  13. I am definitely looking forward to Demonglass too! Hex Hall was fun and I want to find out what happens with Archer... :D

    A Tapestry of Words

  14. I am looking forward to four books. Come see what they are.

  15. Thanks for visiting my blog! I wish I were artsy but alas, I'm totally uncreative. I read and that's as close to art as I get. I'm now following you too.

  16. New Follower - While I love art and fancy myself a painter, Art classes were never my favorite classes in HS, and I only had time for one in College. But in my 30s I began taking painting and drawing classes at the local Art College. Then I loved it. In the past few years I have been doing so my volunteer work that my studio is not getting much use.

    THat will change soon though as I extricate myself from my obligations.
    PLEASE Stop by my blog:Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
    Twitter: @fangswandsfairy

  17. Hi, hopping on by! I like art classes too, although my favorite class is a tie between lit and math. And I've heard awesome things about Demonglass, and though I haven't read it yet, Hex Hall is definitely on my to-read list! Also, I see you love Glee - I do too!

    (PS: I'm a new follower!)

    Izzy @ My Words Ate Me

  18. I loved Art classes, especially painting. I took ceramics, but I never got really good at it.

    I'm looking forward to Demonglass too. I'm curious to see what will happen to all of the characters next.
    Here's a list of books that I'm looking forward to in 2011. I put it together about a week ago.

  19. I love art classes too! I was going to ask you something if that was alright :S Umm when you do your reviews, you always have a summary and the background behind the summary is usually a pink colour: how do you do that? I was just looks neat I would love to know! You can email me if you want to answer (which you dont have to!) or whatever :) Thanks!

    -Lulu the Bookworm

  20. I'm a glee fan too! And my husband and I love to travel around :)

    Hope you visit India sometime, it is awesome.
    Dee, hopping from e-Volving Books

  21. HI! Thanks for stopping in on the blog and following me. I am a new follower of yours now.

    I wish ceramics would have been one of my HS choices. That sounds so fun. Your book choices just got added to my list. I have not read either, but after checking them out, I can't pass them up! Thanks for sharing!


  22. Thanks for hopping by! (I know I'm late returning the hop! Sorry!) I'm so happy you did because after reading your post on Alex Pettyfer as Jace and seeing that you enjoyed art classes I just knew I had to follow you! Looking forward to reading your posts!


  23. Cute blog! I love to travel, too. :]

    And I've heard so much about Hex Hall. I really should get to reading it soon.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Please know I do read (and appreciate) each post! I often times return the love :)

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