Book bloggler hop & Follow Friday

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer over at Crazy for Books. Each week, bloggers answer a question posted by Jennifer and then "hop" over to other blogs to socialize, make new friends, and find great blogs to follow!

This week's question is: "What book influenced or changed your life? How did it influence/change you?"

Harry Potter has without a doubt, hands down changed my life forever! Growing up in Hispanic family was super fun, but it was never enriching or educational. My parents are what I like to call "old school", they never expected much from me when it came to school, because to them girls didn't get an education, they got married and took care of the household. So when it came to reading, I only read the material I was given at school, and that was it. I remember being in 6th grade when I first saw a Harry Potter book; I had picked it up from the library to use it for a book report. I still remember finishing the book, and how anxious I was to go to school the next day to pick up book 2/3/4 and so on.... I was a girl possessed. HP introduced me to the wonderful world of literature. Thanks to HP I continued to frequently visit the library, get involved in book clubs, reading groups, anything that involved books- I participated! During the next couple of years my English (which was my second language) skyrocketed! Teachers couldn't believe how much improvement I was showing. And imagine how surprised my daddy was the day he got to see me graduate from CSUSB with a Bachelors... his 'lil girl who was never supposed to be anything more than a housewife, ended up making him more proud than he could ever imagine. I will forever be eternally grateful to Mrs. Rowling for sharing her masterpiece with us and for changing my life forever!

So what about you? What book has influenced or changed your life? I'd love to read all about it :) Share the love and leave your links!

Follow Friday is a weekly meme posted on Friday's that is hosted by Parajunkee @ Parajunkee's View.

This weeks question:  What book(s) have you discovered lately from someone's book blog?

Just the other day I read a review for Matched by Ally Condie. I had already heard awesome things about this book, but this review was written so well, it literally made me want to get up, drive down to B&N and buy the book NOW! I can't wait to get my hands on it :)

What about you? What books have you recently discovered? Share your story/links!


  1. Hi Diana! Great answer... Popular book too ;) I like the new look of your blog (the flowers on the side are so pretty) I hope you can hop by and see my answer!
    -Lulu The Bookaddict :)

  2. This will probably come of something as a surprise but the book that changed/influenced my life (more than any other) is a non-fiction book. I know we all focus on novels and the fanciful fiction we love to read but The Four Work Week is the book that gets all the credit. I know the title sounds fictional but it really isn’t. Hop over to my blog and find out why –

    Happy Book Blogger Hop Day!

    Howard A. Sherman

  3. I know A LOT of people who loves Harry Potter and I'm pretty sure that they will give the same answer as yours when asked what book really influenced them. And I agree Matched has been popping up a lot on my dashboard and if I were a fan of that genre I knew it would be on top of my list.

    Thank you for dropping by my blog! I'm now a new follower... And yeah, I would really love to read Forget You, I'll go look out for a copy of that soon :D

    Have an awesome weekend!

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  4. And by the way, I really like doing different styles for my book reviews, helps me sustain the excitement when writing a new one. Stirring things up from time to time helps get rid of the monotony :D

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  5. I LOVE Harry Potter too. It was the first fantasy book I read and now that's my favorite genre.

    Thanks for following! I'm following back. :)

  6. I have yet to work my way to Harry Potter. I'm waiting for that generous somebody who will gift me the entire set (I know... keep dreaming).
    So thanks a lot for stopping by my blog. You've gained a new follower and I am looking forward to your reviews.

  7. Hey, thanks for hopping by my blog, I'm a new follower =]

    I've read most of the Harry Potter books, but for some reason I couldn't read the 6th one... I don't know why, the beginning bored me and I gave up. (I know, it's bad...) But I raced through the 7th one. =]

    Have a great weekend!
    Bella @ Cheezyfeet Books

  8. Harry Potter!! That book really paved the way for me in terms of reading. I loved reading before it of course, but it only made me more crazy for books! It;s great to see it had such an influence on your life!

  9. Hey Diana! Stopping by via FF. I really liked your answer and I'm so glad to see that Harry Potter was able to open your eyes to the world of books. The written word is so powerful and books like that really make you remember why.

    I'm a new follower now! Please take some time and stop by my blog! Follow me back if you like!

  10. Hopping through. New follower!
    Harry Potter is definitely one of my most influential books too.
    Happy weekend!
    My Hop

  11. Just hopping by - have a great weekend! Stop by The Wormhole sometime! Happy reading!

  12. Harry Potter is popular this week! I ended up choosing Twilight because it was one of the first books that I interacted with strangers about. (More on my blog!)

    Have a good week!


  13. Stopping by for Follow Friday. I'm now your newest follower. ^-^

    Please stop by if you get a chance:

  14. I just wanted to let you know I gave you the Stylish Blogger Award on my blog!
    Check out this post for more details.
    Stylish Blogger Award

  15. I love love loved Matched. So good.

    I resisted HP for a long time, but when I finally started reading I kicked myself for holding out.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Please know I do read (and appreciate) each post! I often times return the love :)

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