Movie Monday (1)

Just a meme I came up with that should help me look forward to posting on Mondays because if there's anything I love more than books, it's movies :)

This week's Topic
My top 10 movies of 2012 (so far!)

1. THE HUNGER GAMES- Do I even need an explanation?! Camped out a whole 8 hours in advance. It was well worth it. Brilliant movie! So sad to hear Gary Ross won't be directing Catching Fire.

2. 21 JUMP STREET- omg! I don't think I've ever laughed so hard during a movie! Not a movie for younger viewers, even though the majority of the audience watching this movie were teenagers. Channing and Noah make an awesome undercover team!                                                                       

3. THE CABIN IN THE WOODS- Barely saw this one last night and it definitely left it's mark. Unlike any other movie I've seen. I literally turned to my BF like 10x's during the movie and asked him, "What the hell are we watching!?" Super twisted and just weird. I'm not feeling that ending, though.

4. CHRONICLE-  Whoa. Such an intense movie. Was not expecting it to be so good. Loved it! It's like a boys gone wild type of movie, only these boys have telekinesis powers.

5. JOHN CARTER- Such a fun movie to watch. I went with my brother, and to be honest I wasn't expecting much.... Boy, was I surprised! Plus, John is a total hottie ;) Same guy from Friday Night Lights. 

6. MAN ON A LEDGE- Surprisingly good! Watched this last week, although it's been out for a while. The concept overall seems lame, really; a man on a ledge?!...(anyone remember Phone-booth?) But overall the movie has a very well thought out back story that will keep you hooked til the end.
7. THE WOMEN IN BLACK- Although the movie overall was a bit disappointing, I still adored every minuet of it (I don't know if that makes sense, but that's how I felt). It was good to see my beloved Harry Potter outside of the wizarding world ;) 

8. UNDERWORLD AWAKENING- One of my ALL-TIME favorite movie series. Fell in love back in 2002 when the first Underworld movie came out. I have a girl crush on Kate Bekinsale. I was a bit disappointing that Michael doesn't make an appearance in this installment, even though his character is still very much involved in this movie (watch it, you'll see what I mean!) Very happy to hear that another Underworld movie is in the works :)                                                                                         

9. CONTRABAND- Mark Wahlberg can do no wrong in my book ;) Cheesy plot line (boy gets caught up with Narcs, ex-narc brother in law must save his sorry ass) but overall filled with plenty of action and explosive scenes! Kate Bekinsale as a blond is just a bonus ;)haha!               

10. JOURNEY 2- I was craking up! Not usually a Vanessa fan, but this movie made me see her in a completely different way. Plus, it was nice to see Josh Hutcherson in a movie before I saw him in the HG. Definitely a movie to watch with the family :)

That is my list for this tiring, yet moving onward, Monday. Any good movies you've seen lately that you'd recommend? let me know :) Thanks for stopping by.


  1. fun list! i thought the newest installment of underworld was much better than the last though that cgi michael was kinda lame. wonder what they are going to do for the next one. and i thought friends with kids was pretty funny and interesting if you haven't seen that yet.

    1. I havent heard much on friends with kids. Will check it out tonight :) thanks for the heads up!

  2. Cabin in the Woods? Three? Really? OK. I'll go see it. But you better do this list again at the end of the year so I can see how it changed :)

    1. It's not that it was amazing, it was just different.... and I liked that :) in a weird twisted way! haha!

  3. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Wow! I have only seen one of the movies on your list! LOL
    the others I don't think have even opened here.

    But I like the idea of Movie Monday ;)
    Rock on.

    1. whicg movie have you seen? thanks:)

  4. The Cabin in the Woods was so good and surprising! I was a bit shocked at the ending, though.

    I keep hearing how good John Carter is. I wish I had gone to see it while it was still playing at my local movie theater :(


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