In My Mailbox #6

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(Button made by Missie @The Unread Reader)

Helllllooooo! :) Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and say hi!

I beg you to please have mercy; I was SO TIRED when I did this vlog! I slur my words, say "um", "so" & "excited" way too many times and I plain out look creepy. I recorded this around 11pm Saturday night, but I wanted to get it done cause I knew there was no way in heck I was waking up early the next day to record it then....

So without further ado, here's my IMM post for this week :)


  1. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Ohhh what! I am the 1st to comment! Yay. Awesome IMM as always, I loved Leaving Paradise and am anxious to get ahold of Return to Paradise. Hope you enjoy it. I haven't posted my IMM yet but will later on today, much later. I didn't get much though but I am still very excited about what I did get. . . except for one book, I'm worried about that one, lol. Anyways, happy reading and hope you enjoy them all. :)

  2. Great week! I brought The Unwritten Rule this week too, looking forward to your review :) Donna

    Our IMM

  3. Great books this week! If you liked The Unwritten Rule, you have to read Elizabeth's other books as well. They're all so good, especially Bloom and Something, Maybe. Leaving Paradise is also amazing, so I hope you enjoy it. Happy reading! :)

  4. You look great! I wish I could look that good when I'm tired. LOL

    I have yet to read a Scott book. So fail.

    And I LOVE THE PC series! I'll have to try Leaving Paradise.

    Great books, D.

    P.S. Those Fuentes brothers are mine. ;)

  5. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Well... I actually did get something on the mail this week (UK edition of Amy and Roger's Epic Detour).

    Oh, how was the game? I love football and my dad has been to the Real Madrid's stadium and he said it was kind of awesome, even though he's more of a Barcelona-guy.

    Anyway, I guess I'll have to try Leaving Paradise sometime, I always hear good things about it.

  6. new follower :)
    Leaving Paradise sounds like a great book! I will check it out!

    Check out my in my mailbox!

  7. Thanks for checking out my IMM and my blog. I actually have read both Shiver and Linger and loved them. I just havent read forever yet though i got it signed :) i just put shiver on there because i bought it also in paper back so i could get it signed to give away on tge blog :) You have some great books in your mailbox this week. I esp want to read warm bodies.
    Happy Reading!
    new follower.

  8. Nice mailbox this week. I only read Evermore from the series. I don't know why but I never continued reading the series.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  9. Warm Bodies sounds really good, and I can't wait to hear what you think of it! I just read a review for Miles From Ordinary, and it sounds so interesting as it spans the course of one day. Great mailbox!

  10. Great books! I love Elizabeth Scott books and I have heard Warm Bodies is amazing. Happy reading :)

  11. Oh my word, you are so cute!! Loved seeing you! You're like a real person to me now. ;) What a great set of books to receive too!

  12. I love your vlog! You are super cute heheh!!

  13. Awesome IMM Diana!! (: I hope you enjoy Leaving Paradise...I loved loved loved it. The first one is amazing..and the second one..omg perfect (; ahah


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