Author Guest Post: The Writer's Voice


The Writers Voice 
Where you get to know the people behind the pages 
(Please stop by and follow us at

This is Emma Michaels, the author of 'The Thirteenth Chime’ and
'Anasazi' and I am taking over! Don’t worry, it is only for one post. To
introduce you to the team of amazing authors who are a part of a new
blog called, ‘The Writers Voice’. A blog run by 11 authors and dedicated
to letting you get to know each of us and the authors we feature! Here
is a glimpse at a few of our perspectives by seeing our answers to:

What's your writing routine? 

Do you write in the mornings, nights, daily, or when the mood strikes you?

“When I am in the middle of a project I tend to write daily and with a strict word count goal per day. I don't mind writing something and going back and rewriting but I do mind not getting to express myself for a day when I have an entire novel in my heart waiting to burst out onto the page. I do give myself space between projects or for editing though, of course it only lasts so longer before I can't stand it and want to get back to the next project!”
-Emma Michaels


“I don't really have a routine (wish I had tough). Most of the time I only get to write at night because I live in a city and it's very noisy, think lots of traffic, neighbors from hell. I prefer Bank holidays when it's relatively quiet outside and I get to start writing in the morning with an hourly target of around five hundred words, but most of the time I do other things during the day and retreat to my dark abode aka working space at nightfall to meet my daily target of 2,000 words.”
-Jayde Scott


“When my ‘muse’ is thriving I write at night once my family settled and the world is resting. That time of day is silent and there are no distractions from the story that I have been daydreaming about all day long.”

-Jamie Magee


“I write whenever I can, morning, afternoon, night. I take my lap-top on the road and if I have time to kill, I'll write anywhere. If I waited for a certain mood than I probably wouldn't write much. It's more of a discipline; though once I get started my creativity just starts a flowin‘.”
-Victoria Simcox


“Mostly I write 9-5 like any other working day but if I’m struck with an idea I just have to get down I have seen myself typing away til the wee hours in the morning.”

-Samantha Young


"I get up every morning at six and work till the kids wake up at 7:30 or so. And then my daughter goes to preschool from nine to noon and I work as much as I can then. And if I still have any energy left, sometimes I’ll work for another hour after the kids go to bed."

-Keary Taylor

Oh yeah, did I mention we have amazing guest authors? 
Here is a sneak peak of a few of the interviews we have planned for the future:


“I'm an early bird. I've always written best early in the morning.”

-Inara Scott


"I prefer to be alone in the house - my husband and son have no idea how distracting they are. I like to write in silence and enjoy writing in middle of the night."
-Devyn Dawson


"I don't have a set time expect in the car on the way to work (don't worry, I car pool!). I carry a notebook and pencil and write whenever and wherever I can, even on my breaks at work if I can squeeze it in. Daily goals help keep me on track."

-Heather McCorkle

I hope you will join us at The Writers Voice and hear more from our team and other writers from around the web! 

“The Writers Voice: Where you get to know the people behind the pages”


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Oh, this is such a a cool feature! Thanks for sharing, this was awesome to read.

  2. Thank you for hosting us! <3

  3. @alex- wasn't this post neat? It's always fun to get a behind the scene's look :)haha!

    @Emma- no problem :) anytime!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Please know I do read (and appreciate) each post! I often times return the love :)

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