My Book Boyfriend (2)

My Book Boyfriend is hosted by Missie at The Unread Reader. Thanks to this meme we now get to gush over some of our favorite "Book Boyfriends", on a weekly basis :) Want to participate? Well head on over to Missie's blog and link up your post! Don't forget to include some stats, a picture of what you imagine your book boyfriend looks like and some swoon worthy quotes!

My pick this week:
aka Ren 

Tiger's Curse
(Tiger's Saga #1) by Colleen Houck

Ohhh Ren!.... Guys, I have a confession. I have a new crush. I've fallen in love with Diren!

I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again; if you haven't read Tiger's Curse yet, STOP what you are doing and grab it NOW! I've chosen Ren as my book boyfriend this week, mainly because I can't get him out of my head and secondly because I imagine him as Eduardo Verastegi (the younger version) who is totally swoon-worthy.

Just a small FYI: Ren was born in India to a Japanese mother, but was brought up speaking English. So without further a due, here's a little sample on the greatness that is Ren <3

"He looked young, in his early twenties. He was taller than me by a head and had a strong, well-developed trim body that was clothed in loose white cotton garments. His long-sleeved shirt was untucked and carelessly buttoned, revealing a smooth, well-built golden-bronze chest. His lightweight pants were rolled at the ankles, emphasizing his bare feet. Glossy black hair swept away from his face and curled slightly at the nape of his neck. His eyes were what riveted me the most. They were my tiger’s eyes, the same deep cobalt blue." -Tiger's Curse

"The white shirt he wore was unbuttoned at the neck. It set off his golden-bronze skin and his brilliant white smile, making him positively lethal to any woman who might cross his path. He’s like…like James Bond, Antonio Banderas, and Brad Pitt all rolled into one." -Tiger's Curse

Gosh, doesn't this just SCREAM Ren?

"What were you saying to her about me?"

"I told her that we would be having our dessert…later.”

I laughed facetiously.

“You mean you will be having dessert later by yourself this evening because I am done eating with you.”

He leaned across the candle lit table and said, “Who said anything about eating , Kelsey?”
"He leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "I know what you're thinking, and I'm not going to let you escape again. You can either take a seat and have dinner with me like a normal date," he grinned at his word choice, "or," he paused thoughtfully then threatened, "you can sit on my lap while I force-feed you.”
“His eyes drifted leisurely back up to my face and he smiled at me appreciatively, 'Kelsey, when a man spends time with a beautiful woman, he needs to pace himself.' I quirked my eyebrow at him and laughed. 'Yeah, I’m a regular marathon alright.' He kissed my fingers. 'Exactly. A wise man never sprints…in a marathon.'"
Sooooo? What do you think.... yay or ney? :) Have you read Tiger's Curse? Who do you imagine as Ren!? Let me know!

Thanks again to Missie for hosting such a fun and smexy meme <3


  1. HOT! One of the girls I work with read the Tiger series not that long ago and was totally addicted. She told me I HAD to read it, but recommended that I wait for the next one to come out coz she's currently dying with anticipation. Seriously, she reread the books straight away because she couldn't think of anything else. She was especially in love with Ren. I'm excited to meet him myself, though a little concerned I'll get crazily obsessed too!

  2. I want to thank you for this awesome visual of our boyfriend...OMG. I am going to read the series over again. Yep. Yep I am. Can Tiger's Voyage please come out now!

  3. *gulps*

    That's Ren?! Oh. Em. Swoon! Where did you find that guy and where can I order one for myself?

    I definitely would have taken the 'sit on his lap while he fed me option.'

    Thanks D! I'm running off to order this book asap!

  4. Whoa. If that's what Ren looks like then I need to be reading these books immediately. He's absolutely delicious! *pets screen*

  5. I'm a YAY! Yes mam, one hundred percent. And get this when I read the book this is EXACTLY how I pictured Ren no joke!! Can you read minds? Or are you stealing my fantasies? *intakes breath and whispers* Have you been reading my dreams? Gasp Diana!

    I'm joking girl :) Great post though, this should get more people interested in the book :D Awesome quotes too!

  6. @Belle- I can so relate co-worker. Tiger's Curse completely took me by surprise! I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did. You should definitely pick it up, and let me know what you think :)

    @Michelle- Girl, way ahead of you. I'm on Chapter 10 on my re-read :)haha! & yesss! it needs to be NOV now!

    @Missie & Jenny- Missie you said it best, "Oh. Em. Swoon!" :)haha! and Jenny, I've been petting my screen all day. You ladies should read this book, trust me when I say it's SO worth it!

    @Lulu- hahahahahaha! omg! you just made me laugh like no other :) this is proof that great minds think alike! So you finished Tiger's Curse? What did you think? Can't wait for you're review!

  7. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Is that Verastegui? the guy in the picture?
    LOL! I remember him from old Mexican soap operas.
    In fact there is this infamous picture of him that... nvm.

    Anyway, Ren sounds pretty awesome! :) I put Tiger's Curse on my "To Check out List"

  8. OMG! Love the quotes. Gonna have to read that book!

    Jesse @ Pretty In Fiction

  9. @Alex- what photo? share the gossip!! ;)

    @Jesse- if you do check it out, make sure and let me know what you think! i love chatting with new bloggers about this series!

  10. Aw man, I love this guy! He's so super sexy. And that first quote? Be.Still.My.Heart!! Nice pick!

  11. Hi Diana,
    I have both books in the series sitting on my book shelf waiting for me. He is a lovely looking guy:D



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