Book to Movie: The Lucky One

So a couple years ago, I picked up my first Nicolas Spark novel; THE LUCKY ONE. Not ashamed to admit that I enjoyed it very much.

It was a great and very fun read, BUT when I heard they were going to make it into a movie, I was not very fond of the idea. I constantly find myself saying to other people, "READ THE BOOK, IT'S BETTER!" ... because it's the truth. Honestly, when was the last time you saw a movie that surpassed the book? I don't think I can remember. Maybe HP1? MAYBE.

Either way..... for that reason, I just didn't give the book/movie deal much thought.... until yesterday afternoon. When I saw this trailer/interview.

After seeing the chemistry between Zac Efron and Taylor Schilling, my excitement level is HIGH! I'm not a big Zac fan, I kinda liked him in CHARLIE ST. CLOUD, but that's it! Wait... no, I lied. I also thought he'd make a good Tamani from WINGS (check out Haley's post here).... but now, I'm really looking forward to next April. Yeah, APRIL 2012.... it seems light-years away....

Has anyone else read THE LUCKY ONE? Are you excited for the movie?


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    OK! now I want to read this/watch the movie
    Mostly watch the movie because I have never enjoyed the books very much but I so loved A walk To Remember and The Notebook.

    Thanks for sharing this *goes to write release date in daily planner*


  2. heck yesss! awww, I wished you lived closer, we could go watch it together :)

  3. Im going to marry Z. Effron. I should restate that: I will marry him.

  4. Ah-freaking-mazing Trailer and interview. I love Nicolas Sparks. I can't wait to watch this movie!

  5. I fell in love with Zac Efron after watching him on SNL a few years ago. There's just something about him. I liked him in Charlie St. Cloud too and after watching this trailer I'm so excited for The Lucky One!

  6. Ooh I love Sparks! I haven't read this one yet though but I do own the book! All his books to movies were great!

    Xpresso Reads


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