Movie Monday (2)

Just a meme I came up with that should help me look forward to posting on Mondays because if there's anything I love more than books, it's movies :)

This week's Topic
10 books I’d like to see made into movies

1. The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting- I love this series! Particularly Jay, he is just awesome! I don’t know what actor I’d chose to portray him because now that I think about it, we don’t get much physical description. I’m guessing the author did that on purpose just so we can all imagine our own Jay, but either way, I’d love to see this series on the big screen!

2. Tiger’s Curse by Colleen Houck- From what I hear this one is already in the works :) But I’m still adding it to my list just because I can :)haaa! They better stay true to the book and mess the movie up…. *cough* Percy Jackson *cough*. This book has so much movie potential. Can not wait!

3. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick- Do I even need an explanation?... I do? Ok…. PATCH <3 There you have it.

4. Of Poseidon by Anna Banks- I was lucky enough to receive an arc of this book and let me tell you, it is amazinggg! Seriously, one of the best mermaid books I’ve read in a while. Legit. I would be curious to see how a director would incorporate it onto the big screen…. It’d be a challenge, but it’d be worth it.

5. Creatura by Nely Cab- Indie writer/ phenomenal author. Everyone denies having enjoyed Twilight at some point, myself included. But when I was in need of a twilight fix (I didn't know what to read next, nothing satisfied me), I came across CREATURA and was blown away. It was everything I needed and more. Yes, it's very twilighty, but it's such a unique story in itself. If you haven't yet, you should add this to your reading pile!

6. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin- I have no idea how this movie would even begin, but I do know one thing; they better cast the most gorgeous man alive to play Noah<3 I'm not much of a movie-release-campout sort of gal, but if they ever made Mara into a movie, I'M THERE!

7. The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han- One of my favorite contemporary novels. I think I have a mini girl crush on Jenny Han. I would LOVE to see this story on the big screen.

8. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White- Wouldn't this be such a fun, cute, yet action packed movie? A pink taser, vampires, fairies and water spirits... Um, yes please!

9. Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins- The mother of YA book humor. I don't think I've ever laughed out loud so much while reading a book... I can only imagine how much funnier a movie would be :) I would pay be money to see this book come to life!

10. Die For Me by Amy Plum- maybe it's the french atmosphere, or maybe its just the cute french boys, BUT this book really needs to be optioned for a film. Mrs. Plum did such an amazing job at bringing her story to life... <3 it's pretty magical. I loved it and would add this one to my very short "movie midnight camp out" list.


  1. There is only one book up here that I have not read and that's Creatura -(I'll get on it).
    But everything else I totally agree with.
    Tiger's Curse! Hello REN!

  2. I'm still waiting for my movie! It was SUPPOSEDLY already in the works :\!

  3. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer would make an AMAZING movie!

  4. I actually heard that there's a script in the works for The Summer I Turned Pretty! And just like you have a mini-girl crush on Jenny Han... I have one on Conrad Fisher!

  5. Hey thanks for stopping by my blog :). Yes I really liked The Selection! There is a lot of mixed reviews on goodreads and i'm usually not a huge fan of dystopian books, it isn't the best YA book but I enjoyed it. And I love reality tv show so maybe that's why I liked it ^^.

    That's a great post by the way ! I would love to see Die for me made into a movie :D maybe because i'm french ;).


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