Review: Walker (Dream Walkers #1)

Title: Walker
Author: Michelle Flick
Publisher: Indie Author
Pages: 247

My Rating:

Kate isn’t thrilled to be moving to the middle of nowhere. She's already lost her parents, now she's leaving the only place she's ever known as home. She’s not there long when she realizes her dreams aren’t her own and that she has the ability to walk through other people's dreams. Not only that, but she might have found her dream guy--literally. He's in her dreams. Just when she starts to get the hang of dream walking, strange murders in her new town start to occur. Girls are being killed as they sleep with no evidence, no suspects and no clear motive behind the deaths. It doesn’t take Kate very long to realize that the girls aren’t just being killed as they sleep—they’re being killed in their sleep. Kate must figure out how to find the killer in the real world and keep the ones she loves safe while they sleep.

Meet Kate, average HS student, but a bit of brat (I blamed it on her grieving process... I mean, the girl just lost her parents). The thing about Kate is that she has an extraordinary "gift", she's a dream walker, she has the ability to "walk" through other peoples' dreams... At first Kate brushes it off as her own nightmares, but when she starts seeing the people from her "dreams", at school, things take a turn down creepy lane. Things get even worse, when girls from Kate's HS start dying in their sleep. The question on everyone's mind... WTF is going on?

Kate, she's flawed and far from perfect. She considers Elise her best friend but at the same time keeps her distance. She’s very determined, smart and witty… but you know what I liked best about her? That she is NOT weak. Jesse, Kate's sister, is just awesome. Her and Fergie, LOVED them both! I connected most with Jesse, I loved her character and saw how hard she was trying to keep her family together after their parents tragic car accident. The dream walking... SCARY as HELL! Every time Kate went into a dream, I wrapped the blanket around me a lot tighter! That paranormal twist really did give it the perfect, "edge of your seat" creep factor. I couldn't wait til the dream was over and Kate got out safely.

Let me just take a minute to swoon over main male lead, Nick. I just absolutely LOVED him! I tend to have high expectations for my leading men, and Nick fit every single one. Kate’s attraction to Nick is so relatable that it kind of hurts your heart to read about it. The only bad part is that he doesn’t show up until 50-something pages in. Overall, I'd like to let you all know that my mind has been on WALKER mode for the past couple of days. AND I LOVE IT! Great story, great characters, overall flippin' GREAT book!... Yes! It was THAT good! Only bad part; IT ENDED! (BTW, great flippin' ending too! *bravo, Michlle, Bravo*)


  1. Excellent review of an excellent book.I really enjoyed the images you included to help emphasize your emotions. I think you hit it dead on with the picture of Nick.

    1. I spend hours looking for a picture of someone even close... I think he does Nick justice ;) haha! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. Oh, that plot sounds very interesting, I'll definitely add this one to my tbr! Glad you enjoyed this one! Lovely review, Diana. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Erica! I love your blog, it's cutteeee<3

  3. AHH!! So creepy. I love the sound of the side characters in this one. They can definitely add so much to the story. The Regina girl I can picture perfectly. It takes a lot to be book boyfriend material so Nick must be something special. I adored this review! So much fun :D New follower! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

    1. You should definitely pick this up one! it's great! enter the giveaway:)

  4. Thanks for the great review! The images you added were a nice touch and really cracked me up.

    1. Yay! so glad you enjoyed my review :)

  5. This sounds like a really good book - thanks for pointing it out!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Glad you thought so! thanks for stopping by:D


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