
Review: These Broken Stars (Starbound #1)

Title: These Broken Stars (Starbound #1)
Author: Amie Kaufman
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
Pages: 384

My Rating:

Luxury spaceliner Icarus suddenly plummets from hyperspace into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive – alone. Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a cynical war hero. Both journey across the eerie deserted terrain for help. Everything changes when they uncover the truth. The Starbound Trilogy: Three worlds. Three love stories. One enemy.

Updates... Sort of!

Haven't really had anytime to post reviews, even though I've been on spring break. I have been reading a TON, and I still have my March giveaway going on, it's not too late to enter. I recently finished 50 Shades of Grey... took me FOREVER and a half!, but I did it!

When I first started reading, this was my exact reaction!

After I finished, I won't lie, I checked out book 2 ratings on goodreads and I decided that I might as well give it a try!

I'm currently trying to finish past unfinished series.... That's a mouthful. Try something that 10x's fast... I'm working on the DIVERGENT series (saw the movie, it ROCKEDDDDD!), and the LUX series by Jennifer Armentrout. I'll keep you posted via twitter.

March DEBUT Giveaway

Hellloooo everyone! *waves*

Soooooo It's been FOREVER and a half since I've done a giveaway so I decided that IT'S TIME! :D hahaha! What a better giveaway than a MARCH DEBUT giveaway! YAY! *throws confetti*

"What do I win?"--
Winner will get his/her choice of ONE of the books below. Open internationally as long as the Book Depository ships to you. You can check here.  

"How do I enter?"-- 
All you have to do is enter the rafflecopter down below. You get one entry for leaving a comment, and the rest are EXTRA :D 

I just thought it would be nice for him to talk to people who actually understand his new fond love for reading. I know I've been in his shoes, and it was always nice to log in to twitter and chat with complete strangers that soon turned into friends, and all because of our love for BOOKS! So if you want, go ahead and show him some "nerd" love ;)

So without further adieu... Here it is :D Talk soon!


Review: Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

Title: Silence (Hush, Hush #3)
Author: Becca Fitzpatrick
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Pages: 448
Source: Own Hardcover

My Rating:

Nora Grey can't remember the past five months of her life. After the initial shock of waking up in a cemetery and being told that she has been missing for weeks - with no one knowing where she was or who she was with - she tried to get her life back on track. Go to school, hang out with her best friend, Vee, and dodge mom's creepy new boyfriend. But there is this voice in the back of her head, an idea that she can almost reach out and touch. Visions of angel wings and unearthly creatures that have nothing to do with the life she knows. And this unshakable feeling that a part of her is missing. Then Nora crosses paths with a sexy stranger, whom she feels a mesmerizing connection to. He seems to hold all the answers...and her heart. Every minute she spends with him grows more and more intense until she realizes she could be falling in love. Again.

I'm so sad. I LOVED Hush Hush (#1). Absolutely loved it! Book two was ok, but now I feel like the series is just going down hill. I don't know if I should pick up book 4 :( Any advice?

I liked this book, I really did. It picks up right after book 2, Nora can't remember anything (and yes, that includes Patch). I'll be honest and admit I felt a little annoyed during half the book because of the fact that I KNEW MORE than the protagonist herself. In book 2 Nora was really annoying, but I'm happy to say she's improved in this one.... (mostly because she couldn't remember who she was hahaha!)... The romance between Nora and Patch is believable, but I was left wanting more!!

The plot/action was what saved this book for me! Fitzpatrick has created a twisted awesome world of angels and unearthly creatures! The ending was a cliff hanger (I expected it) but it was manageable. I'm just really afraid they'll mess up the final book... Hopefully I'm wrong.

All in all, I will finish the series but just because of PATCH <3

Review: Hallowed (Unearthly #2)

Title: Hallowed (Unearthly #2)
Author: Cynthia Hand
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 403
Source: Own Hardcover

My Rating:

For months Clara Gardner trained to face the fire from her visions, but she wasn't prepared for the choice she had to make that day. And in the aftermath, she discovered that nothing about being part angel is as straightforward as she thought.Now, torn between her love for Tucker and her complicated feelings about the roles she and Christian seem destined to play in a world that is both dangerous and beautiful, Clara struggles with a shocking revelation: Someone she loves will die in a matter of months. With her future uncertain, the only thing Clara knows for sure is that the fire was just the beginning.

Rarely is the sequel ever as good as the original, but I am PROUD to say that Hallowed took home the pic in this category. I loved this book MORE than I loved Unearthly... This series is a truly unique and interesting story. I was really afraid this book was going to be more of a filler (2nd books usually are, right?) but NOPE!

I'm not the biggest fan of love triangles, but it worked perfectly in Hallowed. And that's saying something because I loved Tucker in book one, but guess what? I don't know HOW, but Ms. Hand managed to have me going CRAZY for Christian... Idk. My feelings are all over the place! This book is a perfect example of what all paranormal romances should be like. I don't want to give too much away but the ending B. R. O. K. E my corazón </3 WHY?! If you've read book one, but haven't had time to pick up book two, DO IT NOW! I put it off for sometime bc personally, book one was an ok read, but I'm kicking my own butt for not having picked it up sooner. 

Book Boyfriend (5)

My book boyfriend this week:
from THE BODY FINDER series

Name: Jay Heaton

Age: 16/17

Description: What I like best about Jay is that there are no specific descriptions of him. All we know is that during a, “summer metamorphosis”, he has become Hot with a capital H, but there are no specific hair or eye colors given.

* Likes to wear hoodies & backpacks.
* Silly sideways grin
* Strong arms, big shoulders
* Best friends with Violet since they were 6 years old
* First kissed Violet in 5th grade, but immediately both swore off kissing because they were so grossed out.
* Gracious in the face of defeat by Violet.
* Helped Violet bury dead things without question from an early age because he seemed to understand her gifts.
* Driven to school every day by Violet.
* Went unnoticed by girls for most of his life, but suddenly ‘got hot’ over a summer break and started attracting a fan club at school, including the most popular girl in school, Lissie Adams.
* Insists on carrying Violet home when she fell down, and looked after her scrapes too.

What I like best about Jay:
You know what’s sexy? A guy who doesn’t need to be in charge all the time. A guy who respects his girlfriend too much to push things physically, even when he could get away with it. A guy who’s not afraid to let his girlfriend’s family know that they’re together because he loves Violet so much. A guy who, when necessary, will step up and protect Violet physically. A guy who takes care of the house for his Mom, because he’s the only man of the house. A guy who is sweet, gorgeous, and amazing, but is completely unaware of his own charm.

Swoon worthy quotes:
“I was just waiting for you to want me as much as I wanted you.” 

"Yeah," he agreed enthusiastically. "That's why I was so jealous. I wanted to be the one finding dead bodies. You were like an animal detective or something. You were only weird' cause you were a girl." He grinned. "But I learned to overlook that, since you always took me on such cool adventures."

Jay had been the one who kept Violet sane. He slipped candy bars into her backpack for her to find and left little notes in her locker just to let her know he was thinking about her. She leaned on him every step of the way, and he never once complained. 

He's jail-bait :(
Le sigh....

Review: Walker (Dream Walkers #1)

Title: Walker
Author: Michelle Flick
Publisher: Indie Author
Pages: 247

My Rating:

Kate isn’t thrilled to be moving to the middle of nowhere. She's already lost her parents, now she's leaving the only place she's ever known as home. She’s not there long when she realizes her dreams aren’t her own and that she has the ability to walk through other people's dreams. Not only that, but she might have found her dream guy--literally. He's in her dreams. Just when she starts to get the hang of dream walking, strange murders in her new town start to occur. Girls are being killed as they sleep with no evidence, no suspects and no clear motive behind the deaths. It doesn’t take Kate very long to realize that the girls aren’t just being killed as they sleep—they’re being killed in their sleep. Kate must figure out how to find the killer in the real world and keep the ones she loves safe while they sleep.

Meet Kate, average HS student, but a bit of brat (I blamed it on her grieving process... I mean, the girl just lost her parents). The thing about Kate is that she has an extraordinary "gift", she's a dream walker, she has the ability to "walk" through other peoples' dreams... At first Kate brushes it off as her own nightmares, but when she starts seeing the people from her "dreams", at school, things take a turn down creepy lane. Things get even worse, when girls from Kate's HS start dying in their sleep. The question on everyone's mind... WTF is going on?

Kate, she's flawed and far from perfect. She considers Elise her best friend but at the same time keeps her distance. She’s very determined, smart and witty… but you know what I liked best about her? That she is NOT weak. Jesse, Kate's sister, is just awesome. Her and Fergie, LOVED them both! I connected most with Jesse, I loved her character and saw how hard she was trying to keep her family together after their parents tragic car accident. The dream walking... SCARY as HELL! Every time Kate went into a dream, I wrapped the blanket around me a lot tighter! That paranormal twist really did give it the perfect, "edge of your seat" creep factor. I couldn't wait til the dream was over and Kate got out safely.

Let me just take a minute to swoon over main male lead, Nick. I just absolutely LOVED him! I tend to have high expectations for my leading men, and Nick fit every single one. Kate’s attraction to Nick is so relatable that it kind of hurts your heart to read about it. The only bad part is that he doesn’t show up until 50-something pages in. Overall, I'd like to let you all know that my mind has been on WALKER mode for the past couple of days. AND I LOVE IT! Great story, great characters, overall flippin' GREAT book!... Yes! It was THAT good! Only bad part; IT ENDED! (BTW, great flippin' ending too! *bravo, Michlle, Bravo*)

Review: Bloodrose (Nightshade #3)

Title: Bloodrose (Nightshade #3)
Author: Andrea Cremer
Publisher: Philomel
Pages: 406
Source: Own Hardcover

My Rating:

Calla has always welcomed war.
But now that the final battle is upon her, there's more at stake than fighting. There's saving Ren, even if it incurs Shay's wrath. There's keeping Ansel safe, even if he's been branded a traitor. There's proving herself as the pack's alpha, facing unnamable horrors, and ridding the world of the Keepers' magic once and for all. And then there's deciding what to do when the war ends. If Calla makes it out alive, that is. In this remarkable final installment of the Nightshade trilogy, international bestselling author Andrea Cremer crafts a dynamic novel with twists and turns that will keep you breathless until its final pages.

I REALLY tried with this one... I promise I did. I was late to the whole Nightshade awesomeness.... I really enjoyed book one (read my review here) and book two, was good, not as good as the first, but sequels rarely ever are (click here to read). I had some REAL high hopes for BLOODROSE, and they were just cut short too soon.  

Let's begin by talking about Calla. My personal relationship with her has been on a downhill since book one. Loved her in Nightshade, and I liked her in Wolfsbane... And now in BLOODROSE, I actually disliked her. She's became this bossy and a rather arrogant person that just liked to shout all the time. She also seemed so much weaker in this book, which kinda contradicted her whole, "alpha role" attitude. I don't know... I was just so dissapointed.

Let's move on to the love interests. TEAM REN ALL THE WAY! I don't care what anyone says, SEAMUS DORAN is probably the worst male lead EVER! I hated him... YES! I know it's a harsh word, but it's the truth. Not only was Shay pushy, and believes in male dominance, but he was always acting like he was the one in charge, and always had such an awful attitude. If you're wondering why I gave this book 2 hearts instead of 1; Connor and the plot! Connor was hilarious and I grew to adore him! He quickly became one of my favorite charcters in this series... Come to think of it, now that Calla is off the list, Conner is probably second to Ren.

....Which leads me to my next point. THE ENDING

SPOILERS: HIGHLIGHT TO READ!: [[Ren's death. Are you f*ing kidding me? All I could do was ask, "Why Ren?". In all honesty, I feel like Cremer took the cowards way out. A straight clean break form the love triangle. Which felt SO unnecessary!!!! I read in an author interview that Cremer states, "Calla finally makes a choice" (in regards to her boys)... HAAA! My ass! The choice was made for her and I was really pissed! I couldn't even cry because I was so mad.  ]]

Overall,  frustrating series. Only thing, or person, I recommend is Ren. You all must meet the awesomeness that is REN!<3


Review: Unravelling Isobel

Title: Unraveling Isobel
Author: Eileen Cook
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Pages: 304
Source: Hardcover

My Rating:

Isobel’s life is falling apart. Her mom just married some guy she met on the internet only three months before, and is moving them to his sprawling, gothic mansion off the coast of nowhere. Goodbye, best friend. Goodbye, social life. Hello, icky new stepfather, crunchy granola town, and unbelievably good-looking, officially off-limits stepbrother. But on her first night in her new home, Isobel starts to fear that it isn’t only her life that’s unraveling—her sanity might be giving way too. Because either Isobel is losing her mind, just like her artist father did before her, or she’s seeing ghosts. Either way, Isobel’s fast on her way to being the talk of the town for all the wrong reasons.

Unraveling Isobel was funny, sad, romantic, frustrating (Isobel's mom- OMFG! Hate her! So dense!) and it also had a bit of a creep factor... But none the less, it was a super fast and clever read!  From the beginning I KNEW I was going to dislike the mother.... Ugh. I don't know if it was her character or just for attitude that killed it for me, but I hated her! Her decisions and reasoning made no sense at all.... Moving on. Nick-- I LOVED HIM! Yes, I know what you're thinking; there's always a love interest in YA books, but in all honesty, even though Nick was beyond amazing (yep, he's pretty awesome) and the love interest element is there, it felt secondary to Isobel’s own self-discovery... I don't know if that makes sense.

And OMG you guys, the ENDING-- SO GOOD! Such a clever twist! I finally understood why it was classified as a paranormal read. Seriously, you guys... I did not see it coming. It took me by complete and utter shock! I literally had to re-read the part like 3x's.... Ok, I'm done. Wait! I lied... Did I mention Isobel cusses? Yep! You heard right! I love it when author's aren't (<-- is that a real word? #spanishteacherproblems) afraid to develop their characters with REAL LIFE characteristics! I once read a book were the main character said, "bull-poopie"
-_- Really?...

Bringing the blog back to life

Happy New Years, everyone!

It’s been a few months. Honestly, this is probably the biggest stretch I've taken since I started blogging, and that's saying something.... I didn’t realize how long it had been.

I don't really have a great excuse, just the usual, you know, LIFE.... BUT, I am now officially a FULL-TIME high school teacher! Wooo! I started back in August and it has been an adventure.

With that being said... I have been keeping up with my reading and I have a TON of amazing books to talk about... Beginning with WALKER by Michelle Flick. Just finished reading that a couple days ago and the story is STILL FRESH IN MY MIND! So damn good. Ahhhh! I'll be taking part in her book tour, so I'm SUPER excited about that.

Well, for now, that is all. I know I lost some followers, but it's ok, because it's their LOSS! I'm awesome, trust me! For those of you that stuck around, and will hopefully continue to follow, I have some pretty neat reviews and giveaways planned out, so check back often.... ka-peesh? Omg -_- hahaha... I crack myself up! I missed blogging....
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