In My Mailbox #5

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visit Kristi over at The Story Siren.

Hi guys, 
So... I've spent the whole weekend laying in bed and reading.... (hence the lazy look in the vlog) but you know what, it's been AWESOME. I wish every weekend was a 3 day weekend :) Either way, he's this week's IMM vlog. Enjoy!

A special thanks to Shannon... thanks for hosting that twitter contest a while back :)


  1. I love The Forest of Hands and Teeth! It's so good :D Heist Society looks really good too :) Happy reading!

  2. Gah, you are so adorable! :)

    The Forest of Hands and Teeth is so awesome! Congrats on winning it in a giveaway. That's the best.

    halo has such a pretty cover. I've heard mixed things about it, but I think I'll try it out anyways.

    Yay for a weekend of reading! That's awesome.

    Jennifer of Little Shelf

  3. Awesome mailbox !! I can't wait to read The Forest of Hands and Teeth !!
    I didn't like Halo but I'm hoping you will !!
    happy reading ;)

  4. The forest of hands and teeth is amazing. Was my favourite book of last year. I love you and your videos

  5. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Yay for power-reading!!
    I've only read Heist Society out of the ones you got, and I quite liked it though, in my opinion, it started a little slow .

    Can't wait for your thoughts on it! Have fun reading and wearing PJS, if I could, I could live in my pjs. LOL.

  6. I love how you said Adornetto..Adorrrnetto :P
    And yay I love the Forest of Hands and Teeth! Definitely an edge-of-your-seat kinda book!
    Hope you had a fun weekend :D

  7. Hopping back your way! Um, can I just say wow about how your blog looks! Amazing. Am slightly in love with the layout and graphics!

    New follower (blog + twitter!)

  8. Fantastic books there! I am yet to read Forest Of Hands And Teeth - sounds so good!!

    I LOVE your pics in the background :D Is that a Frank Lampard picture I could see?? (Not A Chelsea Fan, lol!!)

    Enjoy your reads!! x

  9. Great books you got this week. The Heist Society sounds really good!

    Glad the holiday weekend gave you a chance to catch up. Happy reading!

  10. Aw you're so cute in a none-stalker way! But great IMM! I haven't read any of those three yet. Yikes; happy reading though :) It's been a while! Don't be a stranger; stop by my blog and say hi!

    Looking forward to hearing back from you,
    Cory @ Anti-Drug Reads

  11. Your vlog is cute :)
    I loved Forest Of Hands And Teeth, Carrie Ryan is an amazing author!
    Enjoy :)

  12. I loved the Forest of Hands and Teeth!! I also love Ally Carter's book but that one I haven't read it.

    Happy reading!

  13. Forest of Hands & Teeth is one of my FAVES! Enjoy!


  14. Anonymous12:38 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Ah! The Forest Of Hands & Teeth!? I'm so jealous. I LOVED that book. Loved. It. I nearly had a tug of war match with my librarian when I returned it. We were all like :

    "It's already over due, let go."

    "But its mine!"

    "Nooo, it's ours, you just borrowed it. and failed to return it in a timely manner. Let. Go."

    "But I love it."

    "That's good. But you still have to" pries my fingers from the book. "give it back."

    "But I. . ." :(

    Okay, so maybe that's not exactly how it all went down but it came close. lol. Anyways, hope you enjoy them all, I started Halo a while back and it was interesting but I had to return it before I could finish it.

    TTFN my dear, I'm off to hog someone elses comment section! *whispers* It's how I get all the ladies. ;) lol.

  16. Nice picks. I really should read the Forest of Hands and Teeth because the reviews are really good.
    Just finished Crescendo, it was okay. I couldn't always follow Nora and Patch's logic though, Nora seemed to go from 'in love' to 'in loathing' pretty fast. Fitzpatrick's prose were still pretty good though. I give it 4/5 and I may read book 3, due to the major cliff hanger ending. :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Great IMM! I also have The Forests of Hands and Teeth, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Hope you enjoy all of them. :)

  19. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Question: Does doing Vlogs make you remember to do IMM, I seem to always forget about them and then it is sorta eh, next week. Although I am the same with comments, i check out all the blogs but I rarely comment, i think my lack of social life is stunting my commentsocialness - if that isn't a word which it isn't, i just made it one :)

    Sorry about the rambling.

    I am totally jealous of those getting to read all the sequels as well and have a large pile to read through as well :)

    Awesome blog as usual :)

    Happy Reading!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Please know I do read (and appreciate) each post! I often times return the love :)

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