Book bloggler hop (5) & Follow Friday (5)

Haven't done one of these in a while :) Follow Friday is hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee's View & Blog hop is hosted by Crazy for books! This is an awesome way to talk a bit about yourself and make some new friends along the way!

Q. Circle time! Time to share. What character in a book would you most like to be, what character in a book would you most like to date?

I would love to be in Claire from the Morganville Vampires. I just finished book one last week and although I admire her as a character, if I were her I'd give her more of a backbone. She lets everyone push her around... NOT COOL! I would defend her! :) Getting to meet the swoon worthy Shane is just a bonus! 
Who would I like to date? Hands down, without a doubt- Alex Fuentes from Perfect Chemistry! I am still loosing sleep over this book. SO GOOD <3 Look at him, isn't he just dreamy?? (This is actually the actor that plays him in the book trailers.)

Book Blogger Hop

Q. Which book blogger would you most like to meet in real life?

I would love to meet Lulu over at The Bookworm is here and Tessa over at From the Bookshelf of TB. These are some of the youngest bloggers I have ever met... eh, online. Their dedication is amazing, I don't think I would have been able to maintain a blog, let alone write such kick ass reviews, at such a young age.


  1. Oh, I still have to read Perfect Chemistry! So nice of you to remind me. :) (There's no way I can resist now after seeing this picture.)

    Thanks for visiting Fictional Distraction. Nice to meet someone else who prefers Adrian - had to follow you immediately of course. ;)


    P.s.: I see you're reading Angelfire - I just finished it an hour ago. Hope you're enjoying it as much as I did. :)

  2. Hi Diana,

    I'm now following back! And I must say ditto on your answer! I love most of the Morganville guys and it would be quite an exciting place to live wouldn't it! It's great to see you love travelling too! We're heading to Italy in September and I can't wait!

    Sonette @ Bookworm Blog

  3. Old FOllower here

    I so love your blog! ALways makes me smile hehe

    I actually Met rachel Caine yesterday! She is AMAZING!

    - Kylie

  4. Shane is a good choice Diana. :) Totally swoon worthy. Jess & I picked Jace from Mortal Instruments. No contest! Lol Donna x x

  5. Stopping in to say HI and Happy Friday! I'm your newest Blog Hop Follower!!! Stop on over and link up when you get a chance. I have one going on, too!!!

    OK off to look around. I have one tween and two teen girls so I'm always looking for YA books for them! Thanks, SusieQTpies

  6. Keep reading Morganville-you won't be disappointed :)

    Happy Follow Friday! New follower here.

    Have a great weekend!!

    Barbara @ Black, White and Read All Over

  7. I've heard a lot of good things about Perfect Chemistry. I need to read it. :)

  8. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Oh, you pick some lovely bloggers to met! *grins*
    I've never actually read the Morganville Vampire series but that guy is cute :D

  9. Please get in line because I have to date Alex Fuentes first!

    Happy Friday!

  10. Oh, Claire! I hadn't even thought of her! But yeah, she'd be a great choice. :)

    I'm a new follower! Really like your blog. :) My FF can be found here!

    Rebecca @ kindle fever

  11. I’ve met so many great people via the Book Book Blogger Con at Book Expo America I honestly can’t come up with a single name of a book blogger I want to meet but haven’t yet!

    I’m heading back to BBC @ BEA. I hope to see you there!

    Hop on by my blog and just say hi –

    Howard Sherman

  12. I love the Morganville vamps series! I've only read through book 4, so have a long way to go lol. I can't decide if I like Shane or Michael better... =)
    Thanks for dropping by earlier! Returning your follow, too.

  13. I AGREE!! Alex is so swooooon worthy *sigh* I love him... after you're done hand him over :) lol
    But seriously speaking. THAT book is in my top 3 favs!! I loved it so much, and not just becasue of Alex (well maybe just a little :p)

    Thanx for all your kind words, I do kickass don't I? Just kidding... really I was.... I'll email or tweet u l8ter 2day! <3

  14. Love your side panels.

    I like this week's question because it is so different from our usual ones.


  15. Anonymous2:17 PM

    OMG I LOVE CLAIRE!! Don't worry, in later books she definitely develops a backbone!! Read on and you'll find out! Morgansville vampire series is one of my favs!! :)
    ~Happy Reading!~

  16. Wow. After taking a look at that eye candy, I think I must invest in Perfect Chemistry!

    Thanks so much for sharing that with us and thanks for stopping by!

    Happy Hop!

  17. Ooh, he's cute! I think I may have to get Perfect Chemistry!
    I haven't been on your blog in ages: can I just say that I love the new layout? :)
    Have a great week!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Please know I do read (and appreciate) each post! I often times return the love :)

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