Breaking Dawn- Part One

ONLY 10 MONTHS AWAY! hahaha! A little something to brighten up your day :)haha! I know many people have mixed feelings when it comes to Twilight, but after seeing this in my in-box this morning, I for once CANNOT WAIT! This movie still is working some serious justice in my book!..... *squee* Is it November yet??


  1. I can't wait for this movie! I love this photo - so beautifully done. And isn't he hot?!

  2. I'm super excited and can't wait for this movie to come out either! Love the picture too.

  3. @jamie- i couldnt have said it better myself! he is amazingly hottt! :)haha!

    @Book Addict- I'm counting down the days! I wonder if they have one of those widget coutdown things... i'll have to be on the look out :)

  4. Oh Boy. Let the insanity begin! lol

  5. Ohhh risque! I am interested to see how they portray the honeymoon to 10 year old


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