BEST Hunger Games Trailer Yet!

OMG! If you've read Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games, you HAVE to watch this video. It's fan made... I could not believe it. I won't lie... I teared up a bit :\ It's AMAZING! I just recently finished book one a while ago, I need to pick up book two, Catching Fire, soon!


  1. Thanks for stopping by. It looks like you've been to quite a few places and I'm looking forward to vicariously traveling with you through your blog.

  2. Ok, I saw this the other day, and I totally bawled like a baby! It's so well done!

    I'm a new follower, by the your site!

  3. Great scene to re-enact! :) I hope you enjoy the rest of the series. I thought book 2 was just as good as the first.

  4. That video gave me chills. Such a powerful scene. I just finished book 2 and it is awesome!

  5. Amazing! It makes me want to reread The Hunger Games again.


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